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Life is like a mirror.

we get the best results when we smile at it.

SITUS INVERSUS is a genetic rare condition with abnormal positioning of the thoracic and abdominal organs, which lie like a mirror-image instead of their normal body positions. The liver is in the left instead it should be situated in the right. The stomach and the spleen are in the right side instead in the left. The heart lies in the right side instead in the left side.

The normal arrangement is called situs solitus and the reverse is called situs inversus or situs transversus/oppositus. If the heart is also transposed to the right side instead of the left – this is situs inversus with dextrocardia or situs inversus totalis. If the heart remains in the left side – this is situs inversus with levocardia or situs inversus incompletes  - which is a much rarer condition (1 in 22,000 in general population).

If there are no cardiac defects along with this condition, the person with situs inversus can live a normal healthy life without any complications. There is only 10-15% prevalence of situs inversus totalis born with cardiac problems, the most common heart defect would be transposition of the great vessels. There is 95% prevalence of cardiac defects happening to people with situs inversus incompletus.

This condition is estimated to occur in every 6-8,000 births which is a congenital and an autosomal recessive condition from an x-linked gene. This means it comes from both parents that are carriers of the abnormal gene mutation.

My daughter has situs inversus totalis. I praise God that she has no cardiac defect along with it. We found out about it when she was still 2 weeks old. Her pediatric doctor suggested her to undergo an abdominal ultrasound. As I heard the word from the ultrasound technician, I was so anxious about the unfamiliar word. But as I researched about it, I was totally relieved.

Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.  - Job 37:14

So I smile everytime I see my child and see how beautiful God made her.

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